What Most Travellers Won't Tell You

May 9, 2024
2min 12sec
Lukene Sotomayor
Surf Photographer

In an era like today's social media, everyone's lives look perfectly happy. In the world of travellers, most of us will only share the fantastic parts of our adventures and daily lives. However, so many things people who travel often won't tell you. 

Let's dive into what are some of those: 

Travelling takes a lot of work

If you are often on the road, you are most likely an easygoing person who is open to experiencing it all and soaking in new adventures. It takes a lot of curiosity and flexibility from a person to be open to anything we can encounter. Unless you have the budget to plan a trip perfectly, you will likely have to find ways to adapt to every single type of food, sleep on floors, get dirty and be down to face challenges at prompt notice. When you see those magical videos and photos on social media, remember it is only a glimpse of a second in someone's life. It's important to understand that these images often portray the highlights and not the everyday realities of travel. Most likely, that person had to go over a few challenges to get to that destination and work hard to make it there. Do not fall into the illusion that travelling is purely 100% bliss. It comes with challenges of all kinds, but a bright attitude and intelligent choices are all it takes to overcome them and make the most of them. 

It can get lonely

If you travel solo, you will have to face a lot of solitude. Getting to know yourself deeply and creating a healthy relationship with your inner world is a privilege. However, we all need a balanced life where we can spend time alone and with others. More often than not, when witnessing a breathtaking landscape or experiencing a fun adventure, travellers want to share the happiness of the moment with someone. This is why immersing in a destination's cultures allows us to create connections and friendships that keep us alive and going. A great idea to keep yourself making friends is to engage in local activities. These activities not only enrich your travel experience but also provide opportunities to meet like-minded people. If at any moment you are feeling lonely, remember you are not. Even if your closest people are thousands of kilometres away, someone will always have time to hear about your adventures! 

Some destinations are only about the hype

We do not want to discourage you from this reading, but many places we see on social media are just about the hype. Many travellers can relate to this point. At WithTravel, we believe in creating our own itineraries to off-the-beaten-path destinations. Exploring a low-key place gives you more experience than travelling to famous places. These hidden gems offer a glimpse into the authentic culture and lifestyle of a place, which is often overshadowed by popular tourist spots. We recommend doing your research before you travel to a specific destination, and we also encourage you to talk to Adventure Designers and let these travel experts with you with authentic knowledge of all the exciting destinations they know about. 

Know that you know more of the secret life of travellers, what do you think we don't really speak about? 

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In these stories, our Adventure Designers dive deep into their adventures and memories from exploring the world

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