Three Characteristics Every Avid Traveler Has In Common

May 16, 2024
1min 36sec
Lukene Sotomayor
Surf Photographer

Among the many similarities we share, these three stand out for those seeking to enrich their lives through travel. They are the keys to unlocking the full potential of our adventures, leading us to return home with a soul and heart brimming with fulfillment and growth. 


Adventures are curious. We wonder what else we can see and experience that would leave us in awe. Travellers often follow their curiosity, leading them to an unexplored path filled with new things we have yet to consider. From the start of history, every ship's captain and explorer got a spark of curiosity, and they followed and discovered new and unique destinations. Luckily, we now have Google Maps, the internet, and endless resources to learn about a place before we get there, but even then, once you are travelling, keep listening to your curious side; you never know what types of wonders you'll find.  


By travelling, we realize how different we are from one another and learn new things about new cultures that we might find strange and interesting. With an open mind, we can be adaptable and understand everything new empathetically. Being open-minded has only great benefits for all of us; we know that the world is big and that endless histories have shaped us all differently. It is important to keep this characteristic at the top of the list to make our travels more enjoyable and to keep a respectful attitude towards the locals and places we visit. 


This characteristic goes hand in hand with the other two. As adventurers, we must be willing to take action, whether a trip or Adventure sounds complex or intimidating. We must be willing to make ourselves uncomfortable, sleep on floors if necessary, eat foods that look foreign to us, and get immersed and lost in places where we can't communicate due to language differences. An open attitude to welcome everything with open arms is needed when we want to experience it all and absorb all the lessons this big world offers. 

Incorporate these three characteristics into your daily travels to make the most of your travels. When available, connect with other travellers and start a conversation about these; you will be surprised to learn more factors that might help you enjoy your adventures. In the meantime, chat with one of our Adventure Designers about this blog. 

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