Smart Travel: 3 Most-Haves Do's When You Travel

May 9, 2024
1 min 8 sec
Lukene Sotomayor
Surf Photographer

Travelling can be an overwhelming experience, as so many things happen all at once. As adventurers, we are responsible for taking care of everything, but don't worry! Use these three tips to up your game! 

Be open to travel during shoulder season

Every country and destination has a peak season, but why not embrace the adventure of the off-season? If you want to explore authentically and off-the-beaten-path, consider exploring a new location during the low or shoulder season. This option immerses you in the local culture and helps your wallet save money on overpriced accommodation and food. 

Stay offline and don't rely on data or wifi

When it comes to staying connected, it's crucial to be prepared. Many countries or airports may not offer reliable wifi, so it's essential to download offline Google Maps, airplane tickets, reservations, and Google Translate before your trip. This proactive step ensures a stress-free travel experience, allowing you to travel with peace of mind, knowing that you're fully equipped and won't have to stress about finding a wifi spot or getting a SIM card. 

Learn and practice the vital words and phrases in a specific language

Before you embark on your adventure, take some time to learn a few key phrases or words in the local language. This simple effort can go a long way in fostering stronger connections with locals and deepening your understanding of their culture. Not only will it help you navigate better, but it will also make your travel experiences more enriching and memorable. 

Now, you are ready to embark on a new expedition with tools that will make you travel smarter! 

Where will you take these practices to next? 

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